October 15


Up and packed by 9am.

Loaded the car and set the GPS,
We hit the road at 10am.
Made good time
With a pit stop for brunch at McDonalds
And we were at Birch Run by 1pm.

#1 Lenox
#2 Dollar-Party
#3 Lane Bryant
#4 Rocky Road chocolate
#5 Torrid
#6 check in at Drury hotel
#7 Cheese Haus
#8 Franks Muth Store
#9 Taffy Store
#10 Fudge Store
#11Toffee Store
#12 Country Store
#13 Visitors Center
#14 Quilting Store
#15 Willy's
#16 dinner at the Drury
#17 Bronners
#17.5 light tour at Bronners
#18 Kroeger

Back and in bed by 9:30.
Now watching a bit of tv
And then heading to sleep.

Breakfast ends at 9:30 tomorrow
So we will get going early.

Good night from Michigan


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