December 4th 2020

Work that to do list girl!

So much done,
So much more to do.
Going to write a post it note
And slap it on the page
"Renovations grounded in reality"
 We may have owned everything
To do it, but the mess
Is taking over and I am behind.

I spent today catching up
And have a pile of crafts to do
During the social pod crop tomorrow.

We did manage to get 
The living room christmas tree
Lit and fluffed WITH tinsel garland.
John's idea,
So I ordered him pizza as a thank you...
It also kept my clean kitchen - clean.

The auction bidding started today
And runs until Sunday night.

John off to work
And me off to finish laundry
And clean up the mess he left.

But sleep is evading me.
Toss, turn, toss, irritate the cats

Early morning tomorrow.
Good night from John Street


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