Dec 28th covid part 2

Welcome to my utterings
About part 2 of the covid lockdown.

After some thought
And a little prep on my part,
I am counting down to
Christmas on January 24th,
Then February 24th
Maybe even March 24th...
When I can have the celebration 
That I wanted.

Stuck locked down
John and I will finish some
Of the decorating we never got to,
Some baking that never happened,
Movie nights that we missed,
Even the making of a few gifts
That we intended to do.

Job #1 this morning
I took the binder
And reorganized the jobs
So the 18 weeks
All went into 4.
Lots did not apply -
Like Thanksgiving and Halloween items
And a lot are already complete -
Put the tree up.

Job #2 today
Was take back the house.
I cleaned, organized, did laundry 
And put stuff away.
I made an actual supper casserole
And the kitchen got cleaned up after!

I have to face my studio.
The room with a door
Where things go to hide
When people come over.
No fear of that for some weeks
So it's being cleaned

For now
I am heading to bed
And hopefully sleep through the night...
Well rested to attack
That big project.

Good night from lock down on John Street
Day #1


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