Dec 29th 2020

I decided that as we are locked down anyway, my christmas would continue until Jan 24th or maybe Feb 24th. I said a synopsis of the planning binder and divided it in 4 for the next 4 weeks leading up to it.
Today I accomplished 8 of these
Only a few do not apply this time.

I "found" my craft room
AND swept it!
Made a box of donations
Then continued into my little
Office\gift room where I organized
And cleaned up some more.

We emptied some awesome leftovers
Out of the fridge for supper
And used the air fryer.

I even did a couple loads
Of black laundry today too!!

The 2 cats were crazy today,
Like they were on steroids or something.
Mom said Tink was acting oddly too!

Now the garbage is out for tomorrow,
John is off to work, 
The dishwasher is running
And I am heading up to bed.

Good night from John Street.


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