December 12th 2020

Up and at em Christmas people!!!!!
I am not playing anymore.
We are in countdown mode.

So I topped off my to do list
And got to work.

First 2 loads of laundry
And 1 load of dishes.
Create a cowboy wreath.

Straighten front porch,
Organize bookcase
And 2 large pick ups gone.
I also got to sample some
Extremely yummy butter tarts.

Get serious it's already 11am!
Get all (and there are lots)
The cookies put away!
Clear the kitchen counters off
And figure out supper.

Clear off dining room table and chairs.
What seemed like a good idea
In October ended up being
A bad move and big mess.

Wrap the rest of mom's gifts,
Put new decorations on white tree,
Tighten dining room chair legs.

Finish last strip of wallpaper 
And hang curtains.
Dust window sills 
And put back furniture.
Put new to me heritage ornaments
On living room tree.

Finish last bit of kitchen clean up
And add new to me red glass balls
On the Disney tree.

Clean back bathroom.

Announce to men
That they are making dinner.
Set table with Christmas dishes.

Watch frosty the snowman.

Big pork chop dinner.

Watch Arthur Christmas.

Clean up kitchen
And load dishwasher.

Strip master bed,
put new Christmas sheets on
AND the new Christmas duvet covers.

Put away laundry.
It's 11:30pm
I am tired but really happy
Because I got this tonight.

A picture of a great memory
is worth more 
Than any gift that could be bought.

Good night from John Street


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