December 21st 2020

Today the world seen a planetary phenomenon that hasn’t occurred in 800 years. It has been called the Christmas Star phenomenon.

On Dec. 21, the date of the December solstice, Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, and ringed Saturn, the second-largest, will line up perfectly to look like a double planet in the night sky.

The two planets will be so close that they will appear to be touching, separated by one-fifth the diameter of a full moon. Though the two planets looked close together, they actually were more than four times the distance between Earth and the sun
When celestial bodies align, it’s called a conjunction, but since this one involves our solar system’s two biggest gas giants, it’s known as the “great conjunction.” But not all conjunctions are created equal. The last time there was a Great Conjunction at night, similar to the one we seen was nearly 800 years ago.

It will be the closest they’ve appeared since March 4, 1226. The two planets have been brilliant highlights of the night sky for much of this year according to NASA. 

The rare sight was a single point of bright light — in the western sky just after sunset. This super-close Jupiter-Saturn alignment isn’t expected again until March 15, 2080. 

And so did Mom and I!
After driving to a darker side road
We spent about 10 minutes
Not seeing it because of the clouds.
There it was.
Amazing. We were fascinated.
We were out for about 45 minutes
Checking out this amazing thing.

Spent the morning crafting
With my great nephews
And the afternoon resting
From a back ache.

The evening was spent 
with a heating pad
Watching photos and videos
Of 3 teenagers and their early
Christmas gifts!

Now after john manouvered
The muscles in my back
I am in bed hoping
The morning will find me
In better shape.

Good night from John Street



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