December 14th 2020

Hello Monday.

I spent the first part of my morning
Attacking a few quick list items
And quickly had a bunch of 
Running around to do.

2 more auction prizes
Off to their forever homes,
And a load of laundry checked off too!

Got the birthday boy's day
All planned out and
Finally got the guys out the door
JUST before noon.

Off me and my little car went
To deliver day 2 of the 12
Days of Christmas,
Pick up a birthday cake
And deliver some cards.

Home by 2 and started
Getting more small chores
Crossed off my list...
And ham wrapped asparagus
With biscuits ready for the birthday supper.
I even set the table!

2 more bananas were over ripe,
So as the oven was on anyway -
I made a loaf of banana nut bread.

Then realized I needed potting soil
And I had forgotten to drop off 
The last 69 toys to Christmas care.
So I was off again.

I was sitting awaiting supper 
To be finished by 5pm.
When the guys returned.
John made a quick delivery for me
And they sat for fresh biscuits
And cherry tomato and cucumber salad.
Dinner was a hit.
Cake was SoooooO yummy.

A quick clean up
And a pair of pyjamas...
My house was back to normal.

John just left for work
And I am off to bed.
I am pooped and tomorrow's list
Looks long.

Good night from John Street


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