October 6


The worst part of a renovation
HAS to be when the room
Is looking amazing and neat
And you still have a pile
Of "Stuff" left to decide on.

Thats kind of a metaphor
For life too isn't it?
Change comes, illnesses happen,
And just when you have finally
Put everything into a neat,
tidy Pigeon hole in your world,
You start looking around
Only to find mini problems
That you feel you need to add
To your plate.
Most are only a problem
In YOUR own mind.

Exciting day of relaxing
In my bummiest clothing!

I only worked when I felt like it!!!
Managed to do some organizing
And got my post it note wall
Up and functional.
I did some list making,
Made homemade seasoned bread crumbs,
got rid of donations,
Emptied all the pantry cupboards
Of old food and unnecessary
and listed what was needed.

Slowly my house is bouncing back
To the way I like it,
The way I know it should be,
And over organized
As I am well known for.

Starting to fall-up,
Which means back to the kitchen
For cooking and baking weather!

Tonight, John got rid of some donations
While I baked some cookies.

Not a bad day off here.
Although supper was leftovers
We ended with fresh cookies
And yummy fall tarts.

Now for a good night's sleep.

Good night from John Street


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