October 1st



7am alarm
8am say last good bye to Shooter
1 hour drive
9am Remicade
Released by noon
1pm Dollarama and giant Tiger
2pm empty car and put away purchases
2:30 LUNCH
3pm send John to return tables
5pm make supper
6pm set up 31 bags
6:30 party time

So happy with the turnout
for Jocelyne's 31 party tonight.
Got boisterous at times
But definitely a great time.

The party was done,
All the guests gone,
The 31 stuff loaded
AND the house back in order
By 9:30pm.

We do DEFINITELY notice
Our missing family member.
We also know it was his time
And he is no longer in pain.

Sometimes Remicade knocks
Me on my butt
And today was one of those times.
I am absolutely exhausted,
My injection site hurts
And I have a tummy ache.

I am calling it a night
And plan to sleep in tomorrow.

Good night from John Street


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