October 22


I was super tired last night!!!
I slept until 11am!

Time to catch up with the day.
Dressed, made bed
And headed downstairs.
Put away all the clean dishes,
Made coffee
And then ran an errand
To Home Hardware for John.

I had an eye doctor appointment
Only to find  that I need
Our coverage is minimal,
So I have to be VERY sure
Of the frames for these.

Home again,
I grabbed a cookie and headed over
To meet Mom's in home physical
Therapist for after surgery.
He is pleased with the set up
And that everything he sees
Is in perfect order.

I got Mom's village all lit up
And her fireplace the up and running
For the upcoming season.

Made a pit stop at the pharmacy
And set John's winter vitamin
Regimen up again.

How could it already be 5pm???
I decided on bbq steak strips,
In wraps and alfredo noodles
With carrots on the side!

A quick clean up of the kitchen,
And I made a quick run
To the Dollar Tree as
I had a mini list for tomorrow's
TO DO challenge.

On the way,
I stopped at Superstore
And stocked up some sidewalk salt.

When I got home
I decided to eat cookies
And sit watching tv.

A quick tidy,
And I was off to FINALLY add
The last med in my daily boxes.
This has been a royal pain,
As I do 6 weeks at a time!
So a little each night is c-r-a-z-y.

Pjs, meds and a load of laundry
To go down in the morning,
And I am ready for sleep.

I said to a friend " this is nuts,
I slept until 11 and at 8pm
I am entirely pooped".

John just looked at me...
Yeah! I am 6 days from Remicade,
Of course I am tired!

4 weeks have flown by!
And I have much to accomplish
In the next 9 days!
No more slacking!
Only purposeful time off!

Like birthday dinners!

Good night from John Street


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