October 20


Gave the old sewing machine
A big workout today!

Up a little late,
But gave my hair a conditioning
Got dressed
And headed for the main floor.

After talking to John,
I folded some laundry
And did another load.

After a minute of consideration,
I set up the sewing machine,
Which conveniently rolls
To a good spot in my craft room,
And began the jobs I had bagged.
1- coke curtains made and hung
2- finish a homemade gift
***John on the garage roof to repair
the wood stove vent
3- create and finish a matched set
of homemade gifts
4- 2 repairs for Mom
***watched as an ice storm fall
5- finish a homemade project from
last year!!! (UFO!!!!)
6- repaired a blouse of mine
7- altered a Christmas gift
8- put away travel totes (scrapbooking)
9- cleared computer desk
10- cleaned up sewing mess
11- typed all 5 of next week's
organized Christmas posts
12- cooked a full on pork chop dinner
13- cleaned kitchen
14- cleared dining room table
15- sat relaxing eating homemade cookies

Tomorrow who knows....

Good night from John Street


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