October 13


If I had been told
This was Friday the 13th
I would have believed them.

I must have been more than exhausted
At bedtime last night
Because I do not remember
John saying goodbye at 10pm
And I only went to bed at 9!

And everyone has done this,
I fell asleep in the wrong position
And woke up in unbelievable pain
At 7am this morning.

If someone had told me
I had dislocated my shoulder
I would have believed them.

Today John was running late
Coming home from work.
He arrived just before 11am,
Where he found me laying
Stock still in bed still.

If I moved, I screamed but
We managed to get me on my stomach
And he put pressure
On exactly the right spot
(I screamed pretty loudly)
But at least I could move a little
Without crying in pain.

Executive decision
Was pj day and movies.
John was off to a rodeo
For the weekend with friends,
So the house was mine.

It was a very charmingly quiet day.
I babied my poor shoulder
And around 8pm I noticed
That although still sore
I did not need to hold my arm so still!

I was so thankful.
I spent the rest of the night
Watching Descendants 1 and 2
While eating freshly made
Cinnamon caramel popcorn.

I ate well (lunch dinner and snack)
And my house is clean ! Yay.
Heard from John who is
Having a good time at the rodeo.

I will be able to spend
My second day alone here
Doing something fun!

Still very tender
When getting into bed.

Good night from John Street


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