October 5


Busy lady now that
The cooler weather is here.

I was out of the house by 9:30
And off to Supperstore.
Needed tart shells and supper.

And pit stop at Valleyview
To donate squares for their bake sale
And then off to Mom's
To bake about 100 tarts.
Apple, pumpkin, cherry, butter,
Mincemeat, lemon and chocolate.

I did that while the girls were there
Having coffee friday.
Gave Mom a hand with
A couple nagging chores,
Mailed a letter and got her mail
And then headed out.

Back to the grocery store
To buy Thanksgiving dinner,
Which is now roast beef!
I also purchased 4 meals
For John and I this weekend!

Dollar store for table decor,
And ran into the boxes
I have been hunting for
To finish my coke room!

Home again,
I had a late lunch,
And tackled the bags of items
I had brought home.

Cooked meals for this weekend,
Boxed up tarts for freezer,
And crashed on the sofa
Around 5pm.

After a yummy supper
Of baked ravioli and meatballs,
I tackled the jobs of:
Decorating wine glasses (8)
Making gifts (8)
Making place cards (8).

Then to the Coke room
To put away and label boxes.

I had to tackle the dishes
So I could say my house was still
Perfectly clean
When I went to bed.

Hard to believe
But my calendar says
On it tomorrow - at all!!!!!!

I may call it a pj day!!!!!
For now,

Good night from John Street


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