Jan 4

January 4th, 2015

It was snow-inspiring today (hahahhaha), 
we had our first snowfall 
since November here in St Thomas.

Picture Yourself Carrying Out Your Plan

Walt Disney famously said, “if you can dream it, you can do it.” 
The same is true when it comes to bringing your resolution to life. 
Imagining yourself doing something has a similar effect on the brain as actually doing it. 
Since keeping resolutions is often about creating new habits, you can get a head start on developing the desired behavior by picturing yourself doing what you plan to do.

The fact that this is a "Disney" quote just makes it more awesome that I agree. 

If I wake up and figure I will never get it done, 10 to 1 I won't. So, waking up, and thinking positive and NOT making the to do list impossible is definitely helping. Besides, if I make the list short, I can always add whatever else I do and then immediately cross it off! 

I do like to have bigger jobs in mind 
and then break them down 
to a weekend project 
that John, Judy and I can accomplish. 
That is how the spring gardens 
and yard work get done, 
so why not use the same system inside.

If all else fails, plan a house party! Then everyone scrurries around cleaning! hahahahhahahahhaaha

The last day of cold medications. 
I slept again until 12:30, 
but today I feel better and even got dressed.

Now, onto the next tidbit. 
My father fell early this morning. 
He fractured his vertebrae
and broke his left hip. 
(left is the side that was damaged in the stroke 5 years ago) The MRI is monday morning, 
so we wait until then for more information.

Why wait? 
Might as well start the fun on the 4th day of the new year!

I am celebrating tomorrow! 

I love the fact that 
Monday January 5th 2015
my world goes back to normal.
John is back to work during the week,
Judy goes back to school tomorrow,
the holidays for my family are almost over. 

One more Christmas dinner this coming Sunday 
and it will be time to start taking down 
all my fancy decorations and 10 trees.
Only 3 did not go up this year.
One of the ones that DID go up, 
never became the snowman it was supposed to be, 
it just decorated the back porch.

There's always next year.

Well, good night from John Street!


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