Jan 11

Hello January 11th, 2015

Check Your Receipts

It’s easy to say you value certain things (like your health, spending time with your kids, etc), 
but do you put your money where your mouth is? 
When it comes to lining up your actual behaviors with your ideal ones, check your receipts. 
If you’re struggling to stay on track with your goal of eating healthier, exercising more or even saving money, take a look at your last credit card statement to see if your purchases support, or take away from, your goals. 
We often buy to such an extent that most of us are not even aware of what we’re consuming. 
Pay attention to what it is you’re actually buying (where did all those trips to Dunkin Donuts and Dollarama come from?), and make sure you’re investing in items (like that gym membership) that will contribute to, and not take away from, your long-term vision.

I find I am easily swayed from my goals, 
especially when I am stressed or bored. 
The whole idea of "finding a deal" lures me in. 

I indeed, do, want to save money, 
I do know I do not need what I am buying, 
but shopping is something that I find 
soothes me when I am angry or frustrated.

"...but I have a coupon"

the famous last words of a person
who probably should not be out shopping.
Having a coupon does not mean
you actually need anything
it is almost an excuse to spend money.

I now choose to take my anger and frustrations
out in grocery stores rather than dollar stores.
At least if I waste money in the grocery store
I will eat well!

We celebrated our last Christmas today.
John was able to make it
but Judy had to leave to go to work.
It was a lovely dinner 
and we had fun filling out the
"funny christmas lists" for Aunt Sandra.

(actually spelt fukutsuu)

I am still taking pain medication 
for this ridiculously agressive Crohn's attack.
I still have pain but I am happy to report 
I am only on half the medication I was taking on friday.
Hopefully by tomorrow morning I will not need it
and can go back to just tylenol.


word from Dad is that he is feeling pretty good today.

I spent the latter part of the evening online 
choosing the cakes I will need for the next 6 months' events!
I will add those photos and prices to my organizational binder
and a planning sheet for those parties too 
when I get up tomorrow morning!

My plan for tomorrow is to try to catch up with the ladies
who have been working away 
at the 365 - 15 min declutter tasks for 2015.
{ http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/declutter.html }

I am woefully behind because of my 11 days of illness.
Tomorrow I will rectify this
or at least I will give it a good try!
I also have a scrapbook project to finish for Tuesday.

So it is time to say:

Good night from John Street.


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