jan 1

January 1st, 2015

A link was sent to me today with 30 ways to keep your resolutions. I thought it might be helpful to share one a day for the month of January. I have not read all of them, so I am, for the most part, reading them along with you each night.

Find the Right Resolution for You

Ask yourself if the resolution you set is really something you want to do, or if it’s something you feel you like you have to do. We often make resolutions based on what others think
which can cause us to eventually ditch them 
and go back to doing what we actually want to do. 
If you pick a goal that's genuinely about who you are, 
it offers a sense of real satisfaction. 
For instance, if you’re painfully shy, 
you may want to overcome your introversion 
because it stops you from meeting new people. 
A goal or resolution based on what you want
may take awhile before it becomes integrated, 
but it can offer real fulfillment.

That was our dinner table discussion today. 
What habit each of us "thought" 
the others should adopt or change. 

We must know each other pretty well, 
because I had already decided 
that I am going to go back to walking the dog every day... 
and that was suggested!
I have resolved that I will take more care of the house, 
and spend more time 
doing things I love, 
not what I think I am expected to do.

Judy agreed to try not to always look so sloppy at home.

John has decided he is perfect 
and decided not to do anything.

Everyone slept in.
We had a big breakfast together.
(yummm thanks Judy)
It was a lovely day, 
with the 3 of us all working on our own little projects.
Judy went to work,
John had a nap,
and then we were all together again
for a late night pork chop supper.
(yummm thanks John)

Tomorrow I have a couple projects to work on,
Judy is off to visit extended family,
John is on the road,
so its just me and Shooter.

It was a great first day of 

Good night from John Street


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