Jan 28

January 28th 2015

Create Consequences

Using the reward system works for good behavior, 
and so can creating real consequences for bad behavior. 
“Swearing you're going to go to the gym is a weak means of self-management, 
because it has no real bite to it. 
But swearing to a friend or colleague that you're going to meet him or her at the gym 
three mornings a week has power, because it sets up consequences for not showing up”.

I think having consequences are a good idea,
but if the consequences for a goal 
you set too high in the first place,
then the behavior will not change.

So maybe if your goal is set small and build it up,
and the consequence be something 
that will actually affect YOU 
not the buddy in your system,
success has to be a reality.

Today was odd!
I had coffee Wednesday,
with Connie and Linda.
We talked about everything and anything,
it was tons of fun.

I sat down and suddenly it is 9:30pm.
I watched Home Alone 1, 2, 3 and 4!
Judy finally got in at the walk in clinic,
we are waiting for the test results for strep.

Did not do much else.
I spent the day pretty much relaxing
and accomplishing NOTHING.

Tomorrow is another day.

Good night from John Street


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