
November 20th 2016

A snowy day here in St Thomas.
I was up and out of here by 9:30am
and off to run some errands.

I spent most of the day
organizing pre-bought gifts
and making a to-get list.

Then off to the kitchen
and I baked a ham,
made scalloped potatoes and broccoli,
made some homemade applesauce
and a salad for supper.
Cherry pie and ice cream for dessert.

Judy and Greg headed off
for coffee with his family
and John did an online course
while I watched some tv.

News from St Catharines,
Mom and Dad are working out
how to do everything
with him back at home again.
They are packing up
for the big move,
that looks like it will happen
in early January 2017.

Tomorrow I have an infusion
so it is off to bed for me.

Good night from John Street.


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