
November 3rd 2015

What a beautiful day!
SOOO beautiful
that I was not the only one
in shirt sleeves and capris in November!

John was a very late arrival,
finishing his run and arriving home at 4am.
He spent the morning sleeping,
so I quietly putzed around doing small chores.

Not much accomplished
on the old TO DO list,
but that certainly changed after lunch!
John went back and laid down,
but I managed to clean a whole 1/2
of the dining room pile of homeless items.

This evening I had a lovely time
shopping with my girl,
then came home to accomplish even more chores!
It is only 9:30pm
but I am seriously pooped.

I think it will be an early night,
and Archie
and a comfy bed.

Good night from John Street.


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