Nov 2


What a way to start a day!

I had no idea what time it was!!!
Our bedroom alarm clock
Has an auto correct for
Daylight savings time...
But it was a few days early!

Dressed in work clothes
I headed out for clear leaf bags
And then off to get some work done.

I worked all afternoon.
Creating one of a kind wreaths.
The only one I duplicated was Mickey.
( And I made 6 of him)

At 6pm
I headed over to Berry Hill
To experience their Open House
Once again this year.

A pit stop for a couple silk pointsettias
And back to work I went.
At 10:30pm I had 33 bagged,
Tagged and in the van with my banners.

Tomorrow morning
Set up is between 8 and 10.
All I have to remember now
Is tablecloths and drinks.
Oh! And loonies.

I need to get some sleep now...
That alarm is not going to be
my best friend when it goes off
At ugly o'clock tomorrow!

Wish me luck
Or come visit my booth!

Good night from John Street


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