Nov 6


These new meds make me sleep!

I did manage to get up
And do some work around
My house and even did
Some "to do" jobs too.

At 2 I decided it was time.

Time to finally get dressed!
By 3pm I was headed off
To get a few more wreaths made
For tonight's quarterpalooza.

A fun night,
And I was asked to do
Another bazaar...
On a weekend I still had free!

Packed up the unsold wreaths
And left for home.
Unfortunately John forgot
To put the compost and garbage out,
So I had to and naturally
It had started raining!

I mixed up the pumpkin dough
And s'more cookie dough
As I plan to use the next 6 LDO
Wednesdays baking some
Basic cookies for the holidays.

I am all packed for LDO,
Kitchen straightened,
And now it's time to go to bed.

Good night from John Street


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