Nov 20


Surgery day.

Up, dressed, packed
And out the door just after 9am.

Off to Valleyview
To drop off cards for craft day.
Met up with some awesome ladies
Who were ready to card make
With the residents.

I headed for the condo,
To pick up Mom and Tink.
Mom popped in to say hi to Dad
For the last time for at least
A week anyway.

Then off to my house to drop
Tink off for a few days.

Off to London we headed.
Arrived in plenty of time
For our 11:30am check in.

Got her all set up
After a fight with the IV,
And I was kicked out.
I headed for the cafeteria
Where I had a lovely
Philly cheesesteak sandwich for lunch.

Did some computer work
And waited. And waited.
Finally! At 4:45 the board said
She was in recovery.
Back to the waiting room.

She was quite chipper the first time
I went in but apparently
The spinal was still blocking
How much pain was to come.

By 7pm her pain was making
Her whole body shake
And she was nauseated.

By 8pm
we got the pain from a 10
Down to a 5 and she could
Eat a few crackers.
(Although apparently they tasted awful)
I also got her to drink.

By 9pm
Pain was a 4 but she was hot.
No temperature just hot.
That's when I realized she had
4 blankets on!!!!!
Fixed that and got her to eat
A little apple sauce.
I thought, if she can sleep
I am heading home.

By 10pm
Her blood pressure was 211/84 !!!!!!!
Yup, I sat back down.
Medication for that was ordered
And I looked over
And she was sound asleep.

A discussion with the nurses
And I headed home
After setting up her table
With her phone, glasses
And a couple glasses of water.

Long drive home
When you are tired.
Thankfully hubby had left me
A plate of supper
And I heated it up immediately.

It is now 12:30am
And I am so exhausted
I am awake again.
I will try reading for a bit
And hopefully fall asleep.

Good night from John Street


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