
December 9th 2016

Trivia time:

The poinsettia is native to Mexico and was cultivated by the Aztecs, who called the plant Cuetlaxochitl (“flower which wilts”). For the Aztecs, the plant’s brilliant red color symbolized purity, and they often used it medicinally to reduce fever. Contrary to popular belief, the poinsettia is not poisonous unless eaten in large quantity, but holly berries are.

We love pointsettias here,
but as my cat ate all the flowers
off of my chrysanthemum
this past Thanksgiving...
I think we will pass on them
for at least this year.

I accomplished as LOT
of gift wrapping today!
I boxed, wrapped, ribboned
and tagged myself to death.

Then it was off to a Tupperware party
which was a fun night!
Home again
on some icey roads
and I sent myself to bed,
as the kids were watching JAWS
and that definitely
is not for me.

Big plans for some renovations 
tomorrow, and then maybe some
Holiday decorating can happen.

Good night from John Street


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