
March 29th 2015

How can it be only 6pm????????
I am so unbelievably tired already!
I did not get up early,
I rested,
I did nothing of huge consequence,

and yet...
I am looking at my bed like
I have run a 10 km marathon today.

I did manage to not kill anyone!
not even maim or scar them.

I paid the hydro bill,
and gave Rogers their monthly ransom donation.
Judy drove me to the grocery store
and we got the weeks groceries.
I cooked supper too.

Look at me go.

I have a date tonight, 

with my bed...

We're totally gonna sleep together!

and so it is with a heavy heart....
I am calling it a day before 7 pm.

Thank goodness it is infusion week!
(who EVER thought they would hear me say THAT?)

Good night from John Street


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