
March 18th 2015

I have a confession to make. 
Until just a few minutes ago, 
I had no idea that this week was American Chocolate Week
or this week 
would have been planned MUCH differently!

...Not that I'm sure 
exactly what that means for whoever came up with it. 

(My guess is that it has something to do with marketing
but I'm sometimes a bit bitchy about this kind of thing.)

it seems to me a perfect opportunity 
to go learn something about chocolate 
that you didn't know before, 
or try a new kind of chocolate, 
or test out that chocolate recipe 
....or just enjoy some. 

Now, you can celebrate however you want 
but you could:

Cook with Chocolate (and share of course)

Host a sampling party with Like-Minded Chocolate Folk

Take a Chocolatey Vacation at Lindt

Just Buy Some Chocolate

Head to Your Local Chocolatier

Indulge in a Chocolate Fountain

Today was busy.

We did laundry
and I did some shopping.

Today was kind of fun.

Hung out with a friend
and got a DQ dipped cone.

Today was one day closer
to my vacation at the cottage
in Port Lambton!

This will be my view from my scrap-booking seat.
{See the second window on the left side? ~ that will be mine}
{See the window above it? ~ that will be my room}

Looks very relaxing eh???

Tomorrow is another busy day.
Part Relay for Life Crop 
and  part packing for vacation.

Good night from John Street.


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