
March 17th 2015

It was a fast paced holiday here today.

Woke up, found out I have nothing green in my closet,
and ran downstairs 
cause Charlotte threatened to come over ASAP.
I beat her and got my farm running.

We then got 2 years of layouts into albums, 
ate lunch, 
went to Scrappin Great Deals by way of ?????? 
(a really long way out of the way anyway)
but it was a beautiful day for a drive.

 We were all photographed, 
and posted on their website,
and learnt how to use a metallic paint

to make this tag. 
It was a plain white tag when I started....

We decided 
while in the northern hemisphere of London,
we would go visit Melissa
at Paper Passion,
again by way of ?????? 
(a really long way out of the way anyway)
but it was a beautiful day for a drive.

We were the first to see 
some pretty nice stuff she was JUST receiving!!!

I got home 
to find out John was coming home for some supper
(and some tylenol and some cigarettes)
and a decent nights sleep.
Apparently this new driver he is training, 
Good thing John is already bald
(and smokes).

I did a quick decorating for St Patrick's Day, 
as it is John's favourite holiday,
had some fun photos with Judy and Alex,

we ate dinner, 
**we finally ate the shepherds pie casserole I premade
it was ok
but I have a sauce in mind for a second try**

We finished dinner with a Bake E Ree dessert.

**Chocolate Brownie Trifle**

I packed up the decorations 
for another year, 
sent a sample to Staci,
said goodbye as Alex headed home
and sent John off to bed.

Judy was busy watching a yummy Jason Ryan
(I felt the need to share him with you)

while I made a bid for a toy on ebay
for one of John's friends,
made a Disney trip site for Connie,
and updated all her current info
and organized some laptop photos.

How was your day?

I hope you had the same lovely sunshine I experienced.
I almost feel human after my day out in it!!!

Good night from John Street.


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