January 2nd 2019

Good morning Wednesday.

A successful
Although absolutely exhausting
Day yesterday.
My craft room,
My beautiful craft room
Had been a dump zone
Ever since moving to the condo
Back at the end of Nov.

The goal was to clean it...
Start time noon,
Coffee break 4
Supper 6
Completed 8.
Now to get a desk for it!

Today is Wednesday.
That means LDO.
And later tonight Quarterpalooza

I spent the end of 2018
Taking advantage of the fact
That the large room is donated
To us each week.

This year I plan to go
With a project each week.
Today's goal isall about calendars!
In my phone,
My oversize planner
And my Disney ones!
Filled and ready to go.

The last events hopefully
Being created after talking
With the hall management!

Looking forward to tonight's
"First of the year" quarterpalooza.
We have a table full, so
Come and join us too.
Bring a drink, $5 entry gets you
An auction paddle
Then you spend as many quarters
As you budgeted for.
I usually do not spend $20 total.
An inexpensive fun night.

The holidays are over,
John is back to work tonight
And our lives will start getting
Back to a relatively normal pace.

All through christmas
I kept thinking I would love
To take some of that
"Must go see or do" attitude
And bring it to the 24th and 25th
Of each month this year.
Let's see what I can do with
That specific thought.

Otter will be very unhappy momentarily
As I am about to dispose her
From the comfy place on my chest
She is currently occupying
At full purrrrrrrrrr.

Good morning my friends
From John Street


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