January 17th 2019

A big bright Thursday morning.

Thursdays are coffee with Dad,
And banking day.
With the threat of a storm,
I will also be doing a quick
Shopping run too.

Yesterday was super successful
And I accomplished even more
Than I had set my goals to accomplish.
A day filled with ups, downs
And thought provoking conversations.

Today my 6 goals are:

1) wash sheets and fold 2 loads of laundry
2) floors in house
3) empty kitchen armoire for removal
4) prep meals for weekend (4)
5) clean and organize the fridges, freezers and tupperware area
6) back deck recycling and garbage
organized and straightened

My desk needs one more coat
Of white paint and I can finally
Move the last of my scrapbooking
Into my room.
Now to hunt out a chair for it.

Good morning from John Street


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