January 25th 2019

Happy afternoon,
As typing was impossible this morning
And then we'll... I forgot.

Remicade day.
8 o'ugly a Clock in the morning
In South london
I have to have eaten
And clean off snow from the car too!
Up before 7am.....

Not a bad ride in,
Egg mcmuffin and tea.
Only 3 people for her today
So I arrived first and started fast.

The IV did not like it oif my arm was bent
She used the hard cuff
To monitor my blood pressure.
I looked like a Frankenstein experiment.

Straight back to St Thomas
And arrived on time for coffee.
Wasn't expecting to stay
But it was lively and giggly.

Home for some lunch.
Arrived JUST as John started! Yay!
He took a good look at me
And I was advised I was resting
After I finished eating.

So here I lay.
Tonight is the mystery dinner!
I think there are 10 of us going.

Upon arrival,
We are given our menu that has
Been divided by course.
Each item is a riddle.
Each riddle will be answered with an item
From the menu.
YOUR job is to decipher
And fill in where you want each item.

For example:

The riddle could be:
"A _________ in the road"

If you guess curve you could interpret
That as a curly pasta, and put it as your entree.
But if you guess fork,
You have to choose WHEN
You want to receive it!!!!

Along with your food are the following items:
Glass of water

Did I mention that they clear you items
ALL away after each course????
Yup... guess wrong
And you could end up with a course
Served to you like this (actually happened)

Glass of water


It's a fun and silly fundraising night
For clean drinking water where
One of our friends goes on Mission.

Still time, I have a couple tickets left.

Happy friday
From John Street


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