January 11th 2019

Friday is my sleep in day.
I am just enjoying
Being snuggled up in bed
For a little longer right now.

I accomplished all my goals
And then some
With time to spare!!!!

Today is friday coffee.
I will go a bit early as I am SURE
Mom will have a few things
For me to do before everyone
Starts arriving at 11.

Goals today:

1) Timken stairs
2) all finished layouts from cubbies
On their own shelf in my craft room
3) finish the sample swap kit layout
for next week's LDO
4) pack my scrap project for hotel
5) pack my suitcase for hotel
(and list of what I still need)
6) fill ribbon jars

The plan for tonight's supper
Is chilli dogs with cheese and fries.

This seems like a reasonable list
To start accomplishing!
But I have 16 more minutes
To just lay here.

Good morning from John Street


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