Dec 22


In my world of insanity
Gifts should be wrapped neatly
With beautiful bows
And lovely tags....
Don't expect THAT this year!

Today's job solely lay
In wrapping....
For everyone but Mom,
She wrapped her own gifts.

About 5pm I FINALLY
Got a box from John
And wrapped the last gift.
Happy with that,
I headed upstairs.
John had already left again
To go finish his own stuff,
Mom was working on
Her homemade gifts,
And kept telling me to
"Sit down and relax" .

I do not know WHO
People think:
Make the cheese trays,
Make the pretty cookie platters.
Ensure each party gets some chocolates
(Especially because these are handmade)
I do not know WHO
People think;
Make the place cards,
Get the table crackers ready,
Folds the sheets when all beds get stripped,
Clean the Tupperware cupboards,
And all the other small behind the scene
Stuff that Mom's do
To make Christmas special!

Never mind the cooking, cleaning
And decorating.
The gift buying and wrapping,
Sending out cards....

I spent the day
Tidying up half done chores,
Laundry for 2 houses,
Downsizing a huge wrapping paper stash,
Fixing soap dispensers
That I filled with the wrong soap,
Making and sorting cookies and candy
For christmas Eve, Day and boxing day,
I came to the "almost" end of wrapping.

I did take a few breaks
But I also had a few homemade gifts
Left to finish!!!!

Glad I slept in this morning
Because it is now 1am!!!
I just found Mom all passed out,
Glasses on and tv blaring.

Good night from Vineden Drive


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