Dec 7


Up and down all night
With Mom who was restless.

I just did not care,
Up and help
Back and sleep.
Until 10am when I got up,
Dresses and cleaned up
For coffee friday.

Mom was cleaned up
And dressed for the arrival
Of the therapist.
He is very happy with her
85+% range of motion.

Coffee over and cleaned up
I made her some lunch
And headed back to bed.

When I woke up
After being called up twice,
A friend dropped off
A bin of christmas.
That enables me to ensure
That another friend will have
A tree this year!!!!

Supper tonight was crescent dogs,
That I have wanted all week.

Keeping Mom excercising
And hydrated is a lot of work.
When she laid down at 7
I got busy laying out all
My bought gifts and made a list
Of what is still "needed" .

The list is long
With many stops at different stores.
I am falling asleep here

Good night from Vineden Drive


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