Dec 31


John and I slept in,
And unbeknownst to me
I had to pick up Mom at 11am.

Grabbed the food for tonight
And ran over there.
She was off to Valleyview
And I was running errands.

1- a tea (sore throat)
2- shoppers for pop
3- Dutch bakery for Ollie Bollen
4- Drop off pop at home
5- everyone met up at Valleyview
For the Ollie Bollen with Dad
6- John took Mom to pay a bill
And then home
7- I was off to London to pick up a parcel
8- Party City
9- Dollarama
10- pick up John
11- decorate condo and set up food
12- finally fill Mom's new frame
And put out new Lenox
13- me make sign for door
"Please change time to 2 hours later"
So we could celebrate New Year's early!
14- set up music for basement
15- sit and relax for a whole hour
Before everyone arrived.

So much food and card game upstairs
And pool playing downstairs.

At 10pm,
We toasted the New Year
Played a game with everyone's
"Year in review" cards
And then everyone left.
The weather was looking yucky.

Mom, John and Dawn
Were playing some kooky game
While I packed up food
And did dishes,
And put the condo back together.

While I did this, I thought
How can 12 months
Have gone by already?

I am flabbergasted by how fast
This year seemed to fly by.

Projects I never got to,
Ideas I never shared,
Time not spent doing what I want,
In lieu of doing something expected.

I think "new year's resolutions"
Are outdated!
I would rather make an
"I wish I had" list at the end of a year.

I wish I had:
- spent more time listening
- given more time to my Dad
- focused more on goals and less on tv
- spent less time shopping
- cooked more
- prepped better and earlier
- knew how to sit and enjoy
- walked in the park with Shooter more
- enjoyed more and bitched less
- took advantage of good days
- realized how few bad days I had
- shared more
- was more gracious
- was less jealous
- procrastinated less
- was more "friend" than bystander
- threw caution to the wind more often
- cried more often (when I needed to)
- prayed more often
- held my husbands hand tighter
- felt comfortable saying "I love you"
- found better ways to spend time with John
- could explain my feelings
- knew how to say no
- felt less lonely
- argued less with everyone
- said thank you EVERY night for all I have

Good night and good bye to 2018
From here on John Street


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