Dec 23


Up and at em
It's coffee Sunday at Valleyview.

John headed over to pick up
Our "Christmas crack" order
And I got Mom over to see Dad.
We met there.

After mass,
John served coffee
While Mom visited
And Dad and I finished
His Last of 6 homemade gifts
(He was way ahead of me!)

Lunch from Subway
And Dad handed out a few gifts
To a few friends there,
Before I went and confirmed
With the nursing staff
About the next 3 days plans.
Took an exhausted Mom home
It was 1pm.

John and I spent the afternoon
Dropping off items,
Grabbing the last of the foods "needed",
Braving the lines at LCBO,
Grabbing a few items at the house
And finally back to the condo
For veggie lasagna and pork chops.

3 of us in the house,
Mom trying desperately to finish
Her 6 homemade gifts...
Me making supper
And getting the garage organized
Into a cold cellar for excess foods,
While wrapping just a few more things,

And John had a nap.
(Eye roll)
So I had a mudslide or two.
It was 5:30pm.

After supper
I went down to pin my crinolin together
And pin a final homemade gift.
I then announced I needed a ride
To our house to use my sewing machine.

John got his coat on.
It took less than 2 hours
To get there, set up, finish 3 things,
Clean up, pet Otter,
Pack some missing items
And get back!

John helped Mom finish something,
Then left to to get a good night's sleep
It was 11pm.

I on the other hand
Helped Mom make a gift,
Finished a gift for her,
Finished a gift for Dad,
Cleaned the kitchen,
Made some chocolates,
Found a MIA item,
Put away leftovers,
Got Mom tucked in,
And headed for my room.

I promised to go to sleep,
So this small project beside me
Will have to wait
It is 1am.

Good night from Vineden Drive


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