FEB 11

February 11th 2017

VERY ugly o'clock this morning,
as we needed to be IN
St Catharines for at least 10am.

Getting all 4 of us ready,
picking up Aunt Sandra
and 2 vehicles in Mom's driveway
by 8am was quite the accomplishment.

Smooth drive and good weather,
got us there is plenty of time.

Although sad,
it more celebrated David's personality.
I kept myself together
while giving the eulogy
which was well received.
Lots of chatter at the reception after,
and it was all over by 2pm.

We made quick work of
getting over to Preston pies,
then took a tour of the neighborhood
I grew up in and a tour of my
Grandmothers house and all of
Port Dalhousie before heading to Grimsby
and the the dutch store
and even a stop
at Mary Maxim in Paris
on our way home.

Route reversed from the morning,
we dropped off Aunt Sandra,
picked up Tinker,
ordered chinese for dinner,
went and picked up our vehicle...
after figuring a way into our house
as neither John nor I had brought
our keys in the am!...
and finally sat down for dinner
at 7pm at Mom's.

By 9pm,
John and I were exhausted.

So bedtime for these two.

Good night from John Street


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