
August 15th 2016

What a day,
it actually flew by.
Not sure what I did/didn't do
but certainly not enough
to count as a whole day!
It's already the middle of the month!

Challenge chat was a little weak today,
but my mom has grabbed hold
of this whole challenge concept,
and keeps calling to tease me
about how much she has accomplished!

I was back in Walt's head again
writing the last 8 of the character letters
I need completed for our upcoming trip.
They are now signed, sealed and stamped.

Check that job off my to do list!

Tomorrow I hope to start
the alterations on my anniversary dress.
Thankfully it is all "take in" not "let out".

Judy will have a couple post it notes
to get accomplished
and we will have to check the attire
for the wedding on Saturday as well.

John has to work at midnight
so I am his 11pm alarm clock tonight.
I am trying to decide what to do for an hour
so I thought this blog would be a good start.

Judy is out with Greg,
so John and I had a lazy night meal
beans and franks and onion rings.
(and the last 2 pieces of cheesecake)

I think I will watch one tv program
and go get the hubby up
so I can stretch out on the bed
and sleep like a log (again).

Good night from John Street


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