
August 14th 2016

Early morning and off to church.
John and I
headed over to Shopper's after
and I spent $24
According to my receipt I had saved $21.
That means I paid 50% of the tagged price.

Image result for 50 per cent off

We came home
and pulled out some chicken for dinner.
John headed for the garage
to repair a rototiller,
while I farted around for an hour
trying to make my printer work again.
Once I fixed it,
I worked for 6 hours
on Disney things.

Judy made dinner tonight
while I finished my printing.
John hit the shower
and we had a wonderful chicken dinner.

We spent the evening
watching a bit of tv,
and discussing the upcoming weeks,
as there is a ton of celebrations
coming up for our family.

I have a lot of things
to finish up.
Hopefully this falling temperature
will continue so I can open up the doors
and air out the house.

Good night from John Street.


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