Monday October 27th 2014

So I woke up early this morning and thought, what the heck,
I will get up and get started on my massive mess.
I got dressed made my bed and headed downstairs before 8am,
or as some of like to call it "yucky o'clock in the morning".

By 8:30 I was back in bed, my body was having none of this. 
My eyes were burning and I was shivering.
An extra hour helped!
I got dressed made my bed AGAIN and headed downstairs AGAIN.

This time I was fine. For the fourth day in a row though, I have NO appetite.
I made my to do list and checked in online with my girls.
Talked to my niece-in-law for a long time, 
and then by noon decided I really needed to get moving on my list.
I hung curtains, the winter ones.
I was happy with my results. 
My big job today was imposing! Every time I looked at it, I just walked away.
I spent most of the afternoon cleaning small piles of homeless items.
I also got most of my online events updated.

At 5pm, I was out of excuses.
I needed to get some things actually done.
I managed to get into the model room and finally clean it up.
I managed to pack up ALL the leftover party decorations and get them put away.
I managed to get Judy fed and the kitchen clean.
She got called into work so I had no help. :(

I decided to watch a CSI episode and organize and list any pre-bought holiday gifts
THEN get them put away neatly.
Proudly I can say I got that done too.
I managed to organize my swap kits for LDO tomorrow
AND pack the rest of my Christmas cards to do.
I also found the tv room sofa!

I am quite interested in this cool site Pam found.
It gives you a daily task for the next 6 weeks 
so you are ready for 
but have enjoyed everything leading up to the holidays.

Tomorrow is another day.
Hopefully I can keep up on my to do list.

Good night.


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