Sunday August 24th 2014

Its hard to believe that 23 years ago I was getting ready for my own wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anytime throughout the day that I checked my phone, I would also try to remember exactly what was happening at that time 23 years ago....... and I was pretty good at it too!

We started the day by heading out together to Grand Bend. We were going to a family party, celebrating his Aunt Shirley. We stayed until almost 3 and started heading south, back to the London area.

We stopped and had hot roast beef sandwiches for supper at the London Wimpy's (with a side order of onion rings). We were both stuffed and got into the truck. We were on our way to the Toronto harbor.

Our anniversary event was a moonlight cruise on the Kajama in the Toronto harbor.
It was fantastic. I had so much fun. 
It was well worth the drive to Toronto.

This was my gift from John. 
The man painted it in 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!
It fascinates me to watch this being done.
We have seen this kind of art done in Florida.

I had a lovely lovely day.

Now to bed.

Good night.


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