april 22nd 2021

What a day... literally.
No morning because
I slept till noon.
I went to bed at 9:30 last night.

So job one was food,
Next a to do list.
A -long- to do list.

The jobs seemed to take
3x longer than expected.
The work seemed endless
And suddenly it was 7pm
And I hadn't made supper yet.

Reuben casserole with egg noodles
Was a fairly easy new recipe.
John ate 3 plates 
So I guess he liked it.
Me? Eh. It was ok.

Ordered new bras online,
Finished my online Tupperware party,
Worked on anniversary logo shirts,
Finally have a working sink upstairs,
2 of my great nephews called me!!!

Tomorrow is a busy busy day.
Lots of small chores
And things I left a little too long.

Saturday - christmas with mom and john
Sunday - birthday bbq
Monday - scrabble day with mom
               - great nephews coming
               - my birthday partners birthday
Wednesday - I think I am off!!!!
Thursday - my 10 year anniversary 
                  Of going through hell and surviving
Friday - another month ends

Good night from John Street


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