April 2nd 2021

Easter egg day! 

Time to get up Aunt Debbie...
But not until 10:30.

Dressed, ears on, pick ups out,
List of jobs to do made.
Always easiest to tackle by room.

Front porch.
Living room.
Clear dining room table.
Gifts ready.
Back room and laundry.
Back bathroom.
For everything else there is a door!!!

Off to the kitchen:
Mac salad
Potato salad
Boil eggs
Meats from freezer
Gather garbage
Wash dishes\dishwasher
Prep appetizers
Find desserts

Once I finally got all that cleaned up,
I needed to set up the 
Egg colouring stations.

Then I could sit with a ...
Hello Mom,
Hello Ann,
Hello Gwen,
Good bye Ann,
Always late but finally arrived
Hello to my niece, nephew
And 2 great nephews.

The boys were all about colouring eggs
(And so was their mom)
Snacks were eaten,
Sticker books played with,
Good bye Gwen.

Suddenly dinner time!!!!
John used his new giant bbq
To make filet mignon, sausages,
Hot dogs and fried mushrooms
For our Easter dinner.

After dinner
It was time for Easter baskets and gifts.

By 7:30pm
I was crashed in my chair
Relaxing with a coke
Watching a movie.

Mom and Tink had headed home,
The truckload headed for London
And John off to bed -
He has has to work tonight.

Now I am down for my 
Long winters nap...
Nope wrong holiday!

Good night from John Street


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