April 1st 2021

Happy Birthday month to me!

Yes it is April (already).

I slept through the night
And had more body aches
Than head pain from yesterdays
'Meeting of the minds'
With the front of my dresser!

The goose egg is pretty big,
But no dizziness, nauseau
Things falling off of my person,
So... All good.

I got dressed and rested until 9:30am!
When Mom whisked me off
To a 75% off sale.
I got a lot of bathroom Reno items,
Like towel bars and chrome accents.
***also some more floral
But John does not need to know that.

Home again
So Mom could head over for her first
Covid injections at 1pm.
I worked on the April menum
She then called and we went back
To aforementioned sale!

More greenery
And a couple craft projects later...
I was home again.
Prepped supper and then
Headed out to a 96th
Birthday drive by in Port Stanley.

A quick stop at Dollar tree
And then Food Basics
And home again...
Where the lasagna in the oven
Was ready for us!

We watched a Johnny Depp
- Angelina Jollie movie
And I announced it was bed time
That I was freezing.

And here I am.
9:30pm and I am in bed.
Head bandaged and meds taken.

Tomorrow is a busy busy day.
Egg decorating, 
first bbq on our new massive bbq,
Easter with the boys.

For now though,
Rest will help heal the gash on my head.

Good night from John Street


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