april 23rd 2021

Good eeeevennninggggg!

What a beautiful day today was!
2 days ago boots and mitts,
Today sunglasses and shirtsleeves.

I got up and a list ready.

I spent 2 hours:
Doing banking,
Making curbside pick ups,
Gassing and washing the cars,
Grabbing some fresh groceries,
Picking up some gift cards,
Then home
Because my head was pounding.
Not sure if it was too bright,
I was too focused
Or maybe my ponytail was too tight.

A little rest
And I got busy wrapping gifts
For this weekend's Christmas.
I did sit outside for a bit
Talking to John,
Then made Mediterranean tortellini salad
For supper tonight.

He was off to dismantle a gazebo
And I sat watching tv.

A bowl of cheerios
And then I am off to bed.
I have a chicken to roast tomorrow!

Good night from John Street


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