March 9th 2020

March 9 is National Napping Day. 
an unofficial holiday to help people catch up
on sleep lost to Daylight Saving Time Sunday.

After a very busy weekend,
Getting up at 7am was not
A thrilling plan
But it was Remicade day.

Up, dressed and on the road,
I did not have time to grab breakfast,
But did arrive on time.

IV went in and sat there
Painfully and very uncomfortably.
I was alone in the clinic this morning
And slept for a whole hour.

I was done at 10:30
And headed over to price out
Supplies for the May crop.
We are contemplating 2 ideas!

Picked up my first
Caramel iced capp - then -
A VERY quick pit stop
For another item at Lens Mills.

Made a quick pick up
On the way home.

Where I walked in
And got John out of bed...
And crawled in myself.

Sleep did not come
But I did lie and relax for 2 hours.

Time to get up
And go finalize all Corky's
Adoption paperwork.

Then off to the Talbot Teen Center
To drop off 500+ donated items.

Right home
Where I prepped supper,
Made some lunch,
Grabbed some drinks and snacks,
Put on pyjamas,
Grabbed a pillow and blanket
And have set myself up
To do NOTHING and stay home 
Until at least Wednesday.

John made spicy pasta for supper,
and we spent the evening pricing out
motorcycle parts.

Good night from John Street


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