March 15th 2020

Beware the Ides of March.
It's unlikely even Shakespeare could have predicted how his famous phrase would have evolved.
1. The assassination of Julius Caesar happened in 44 B.C.. Caesar was 55.

2. In 1360 a French raiding party begins a 48-hour spree of rape, pillage and murder in southern England. King Edward III interrupts his own pillaging spree in France to launch reprisals.
3. The Samoan Cyclone of 1889 wrecks six warships—three U.S., three German in the harbor at Apia, Samoa, leaving more than 200 sailors dead. 
4. Czar Nicholas II Abdicates His Throne in 1917
ending a 304-year-old royal dynasty and ushering in Bolshevik rule. He and his family are taken captive and, in July 1918, executed before a firing squad.
5. In 1939 just six months after Czechoslovak leaders ceded the Sudetenland, Nazi troops seize the provinces of Bohemia and Moravia, effectively wiping Czechoslovakia off the map.
6. A Deadly Blizzard on the Great Plains in1941, strikes the northern Great Plains, leaving at least 60 people dead in North Dakota and Minnesota and six more in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. 
7. In 1952 rain falls on the Indian Ocean island of La RĂ©union—and keeps falling, hard enough to register the world’s most voluminous 24-hour rainfall: 73.62 inches.
8. CBS Cancels the “Ed Sullivan Show” in 1971 after 23 years on the network, which also dumped Red Skelton and Jackie Gleason in the preceding month.
9. In 1988 NASA reports that the ozone layer over the Northern Hemisphere has been depleted three times faster than predicted.
10. A New Global Health Scare in 2003 will soon become famous under the acronym SARS (for Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Reports of a mysterious respiratory disease afflicting patients and healthcare workers in China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada, the World Health Organization issues a heightened global health alert. 
... but did they run out of toilet paper?

I was up
and started on a scrapbook challenge
the 2PNT's thought would be fun.
I sadly played most of the day alone.
I blame the absolutely lovely day
this March 15th was outside.

John spent the whole day
outside cleaning the yard,
and working on the gardens...
he filled the composter.
Then he went for a nap.

I managed to spend the day
accomplishing all the challenges.

I started by organizing my crop room
and the mini office too.
Then onto the hourly challenges.
My adhesives got organized,
I made  single pages,
2 double pages
and the hand made paper piecing...
all the while managing to post
all the challenges online each hour.

John barbecued burgers for
a very late supper.
The kitchen is clean.
The crat room is clean
and now all I want is my bed.

Good night from John Street


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