March 27th 2020

National Scribble Day
This day is specifically celebrated on March 27th, but on or around this day works. The day is based around the book I’m NOT Just a Scribble by: Diane Alber. This book teaches kindness and creativity through the adorable character Scribble. The message of the story is clear for younger readers and will help teach your students about empathy. accepting otherness and kindness.

I slept late this morning,
worked online for 2 hours,
did some laundry,
took the kitties out
to do some leash training
in the sunshine,
did 2 more hours work online,
straightened the kitchen,
ate some lunch,
scrapped 5 layouts,
cleaned my craft room

and now am considering pjs and a movie.

Still tired today
even though I slept through the night.

John is off for his last shift 
before his weekend off.

Good night from John Street


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