March 23rd 2020

R U OK? Day
is a national day of action
dedicated to reminding everyone to ask,
“Are you OK?” and to remember
every day of the year to support people
who may be struggling with life’s ups and downs.

Another day in lockdown.
It's odd to hear people
JUST realizing that
they should be more
careful and aware 
of all our surroundings
and what we do every day
that puts us in danger.

Funny though,
Basic knowledge
being announced over the radio
about how not only to wash
your hand but how to dry them.

Seems so simple
but so important.....

I spent the day doing
scrap-booking challenges.
There were 10 and I did 9.

John and I had a comfort food
kind of supper tonight.
Mandarin orange coleslaw,
wiener wraps and white Kraft dinner.

My house is all cleaned 
and straightened up.
I did some laundry 
and had a lovely online chat today.

I got all cleaned up
and relaxed - drinking a tea
before heading to bed 
for some reading.

Good night from John Street


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