March 10th 2020

On this day in 1933, soon after Adolf Hitler became chancellor, the first concentration camp in Germany opened at Dachau, where at least 32,000 people would die from disease, malnutrition, physical oppression, and execution.

Often when I was in school,
(Although I loved history and geography)
What we were learning
Seemed... so far removed
From my life.

What I have recently learnt is
History is not taught to us
So we understand how close
Some of those horrors were!

Adolph Hitler would only be 87.

When I was learning about him in school
He would have been in his 40's!!!!!
At that time even,
"That" stuff was -so far past-
The way it was taught!

Recently I was told a story.
My paternal grandfather got up,
Headed to work
And disappeared - for 2 years.
Just like that.
Leaving my paternal grandmother
With a child on the way.
One day he just came strolling
Back from a concentration work camp.

Makes you think.
40 years from now
What will someone learn about the history
Of what is happening
Around them right now.

Good night from John Street


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