March 30th 2020

International Folding Laundry Day 

I did get dressed,
but I didn't really
leave the upstairs today! 

John and I are busy,
reinventing the guitar room.
The room was "set up"
on the fly with leftovers
by John who is a shover
kind of organizer.
He shoves things into corners
and into drawers
in the hopes that it looks ok.
(and I will leave it alone)

we started by rearranging
all the furniture and removing 
only 1 cabinet and adding
just $30 worth of shelves.

We quit at the point
we needed to organize
and hang pictures.

So this morning
that's where he started.
While he emptied every drawer,
and the file cabinet too,
downsizing 20 year old taxes
and log books making
2 bags of garbage
for the incinerator, 
I was busy posting 
on the "techniques event"
and chatting with the girls
who called me on a multi person chat
and then Dad who called me.

John now has an amazing
amount of organized hobby stuff
and room to store it all.

Then we spent 2 hours
hanging pictures, posters
and memorabilia around the room.

John went for a LONNNNNG nap.
So, I organized the new linen cabinet
(the one I removed from
the guitar room)
and cleaned up the stack
of building supplies
(John might get to someday)
in the bathroom.

Prepped supper,
homemade lasagna, veal parm,
salad and garlic bread.
Cleaned up the kitchen
and headed upstairs
where John was just getting up.

My wonderful hubby
washed my hair
and then I took a long shower.

Tonight was all about an 
Elton John movie and relaxing.
John is back to work tonight.

is another technique event,
a visit through the glass with Dad,
a quick pop pick up,
then home to start a huge project.
A wedding album.

Good night from John Street


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