March 5th 2020

Poutine is a dish that includes french fries and cheese curds topped with a brown gravy. It originated in the Canadian province of Quebec and emerged in the late 1950s in the Centre-du-Québec area. It has long been associated with Quebec cuisine. 

Never thought I'd like it
But found Philly cheesesteak routine.

Short and sweet tonight
Unlike my day....

I was rudely awakened by my alarm
After and aggravating night
Of leg cramping.

Dressed and off to Valleyview
To do coffee and bring Dad
A double chocolate - chocolate chip muffin.
His favourite.

Off to do banking,
Gas up both cars
And wash them
Return beer bottles and buy a case
Crop groceries
- I price matched and on the receipt
It said i save $32.81!!!!!!

Dollar Tree for crop supplies
Drop off donations
Buy tea cups for weekend
And finally home.

John helped and we got all
The totes into the front porch
And all groceries put away.
Boiled eggs to make egg salad tomorrow
Loaded dishwasher
And cleaned up kitchen.
Who knew I had all those counters!

I just sat down when my partner
Arrived to drop  a few things
And organized all the raffle items.
When she was done it was spread
Into 3 rooms!
John had to go to the guitar room
To watch tv!!!!

By 10pm,
I had packaged all the jewellery
Basket wrapped the big items
And loaded the kitchen
To package the shirts... 22 of them!

Back to the dining room 
to make a flower arrangement
Wrap some boxes
And tag the online contest prizes.
Hey I have a cherry dining suite!!

It is now 1am and I am tired.
I want to continue
But I am going to bed.

My niece is creating a Cheshire cat
While I make a white rabbit
And some centerpieces.
Then back to wrapping.

Pack the van
Load the car
Fresh groceries
And go set up the hall....
Busy busy busy....

Good night from John Street


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